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Pricing Plans

Plans to suit your needs


Essential features for small teams
1€Per User/Month (100€/month, up to 100 users included)
  • AI Lessons (3/month)
  • AI-Based Chat Tutor
  • AI Test (300/month)
  • Roleplay (100/month)
  • Dashboard (Basic)
  • AI Content Guard
  • Real-Time AI Analysis & Feedback
  • Security and Privacy (Complete)
  • Technical Support
  • Included Users (100 +1€/user)
  • Base Price (100€/month)
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TalentYou Pro

Advanced features for growing businesses
3€Per User/Month (300€/month, up to 100 users included)
  • AI Lessons (Unlimited)
  • AI-Based Chat Tutor (PRO)
  • Interactive AI Classroom
  • SmartPresent AI
  • AI Content Guard
  • AI Test (1,000/month)
  • Roleplay (500/month)
  • Dashboard (Pro)
  • Real-Time AI Analysis & Feedback
  • Security and Privacy (Complete)
  • Personalization and Visual Design
  • Technical Support (PRO)
  • Included Users (100 +3€/user)
  • Base Price (300€/month)
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TalentYou Advance

Comprehensive tools for large organizations
5€Per User/Month (1.000€/month, up to 200 users included)
  • AI Lessons (Unlimited)
  • AI-Based Chat Tutor (Advanced)
  • Interactive AI Classroom
  • AI Test (5.000/month)
  • Roleplay (1.500/month)
  • AI Content Guard
  • Real-Time AI Analysis & Feedback
  • SmartPresent AI
  • Live Session Evaluator
  • Dashboard (Advanced)
  • SCORM & FUNDAE integrations
  • Personalized & Visual Design
  • Personalized Learning Path
  • Security & Privacy (Customized)
  • Technical Support (Advanced)
  • Included Users (200 +5€/user)
  • Base Price (1000€/month)
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Yes! Each plan includes a set number of users by default. For the TalentYou Plan, you can add users at €1 per additional user, for the Pro Plan it’s €3 per user, and for the Advance Plan, it’s €5 per additional user. The TalentYou and Pro Plans include 100 users, while the Advance Plan includes 200 users.

You can add any additional feature not included in your current plan for €50 per feature per month. This allows you to customize your plan based on your specific training needs without upgrading to a higher tier.

Yes, you can opt for both options! We will guide you through the available plan options and explain how you can get the tools you need to optimize your experience, choose the time that suits you best and schedule it easily here!

Yes! All information will be protected in such a way that it will not be made
available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities or processes. for more information read the terms of use and privacy policy here

A l’acabar la pràctica interactiva amb la IA, cada persona rep el seu feedback personalitzat amb els tips que han de millorar i penso que és molt interessant, estaran molt més preparats per la situació real.

Clara E. Uribe Gil, UVIC


Después de interactuar con la IA, reciben un feedback casi instantáneo y personalizado sobre todos los elementos que yo he considerado relevantes del proyecto.

Esther Hormiga, profesora – Universitat de Barcelona


La simulació role play d’un escenari real es un gran accelerador de l’aprenentatge.

Dr. Miguel A Prats


La interacción constante y el feedback inmediato hacen que los usuarios puedan aprender y corregir sus errores mucho más rápido que en un entorno tradicional, acelerando su curva de aprendizaje.

Marc Balderrama. ESERP Bussiness School.


Vam decidir formar els nostres equips de vendes amb IA per dos motius clau: primer, la facilitat i rapidesa de la formació; segon, el control precís sobre el missatge que volem transmetre als nostres equips, juntament amb la capacitat de personalitzar els KPIs que més ens importen.

Toni Solà Perez, CEO de Protein Gastronomy


The conversation flow was so natural. I was surprisedd AI could express itself in such a coherent and structured way.

R.A. User of crisis comunication training. UVIC


AI persona was so realistic that I was immersed in understanding the specific pains and frustrations to help

L.P. User of marketing research training . ESERP. 

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