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Tailor-made for you

Turn training into practice with AI

Use interactive, AI-driven training to captivate your team and enhance knowledge retention. Boost employee engagement!

Ready to transform your training?

Discover how can elevate your corporate training to new heights.


AI-Driven Roleplays

Customizable Roleplay simulations that provide users with real world practice and personalized feedback. 

Transform theoretical knowledge into practical measurable results through immersive Roleplay.

Create dynamic and complex simulations tailored to specific training goals, offering users a hands-on approach to skill development.

Yes! Gain instant, actionable feedback during each simulation, helping users understand their performance and areas for improvement immediately.


Immersive AI Learning Classrooms

Transforms traditional presentations into dynamic and interactive learning experiences with AI-Powered Virtual Teacher

It allows real-time question and answer sessions, just like a live teacher, and adapts to each learner’s pace and understanding. making it ideal for companies looking to scale training effectively.

The AI Classroom offers real-time interaction, enabling users to ask questions and receive instant answers from the AI. It personalizes learning experiences by adapting lessons to each user’s needs, and seamlessly integrates with your content or AI-generated materials, reducing trainer workload while delivering dynamic, tailored training.

Absolutely! The AI Classroom can automatically generate class content for your training programs. Simply provide the AI with key learning objectives or upload existing material, and it will create tailored presentations, quizzes, and interactive sessions


AI-Generated Quizzes

Empower learners with AI-generated quizzes that reinforce their understanding of the lessons.

You can automatically create customized assessments based on your course content and tailored to each user’s learning objectives and proficiency levels, saving valuable time and ensuring accurate assessment.

Personalize assessments to adapt them to each user’s learning path. This provides feedback, with corrections and suggestions, helping learners to improve quickly. In addition, the quizzes are scalable, making it possible to easily generate numerous tests without manual effort.

Of course! The AI takes your uploaded learning materials and automatically creates interactive quizzes. Ensuring the questions align perfectly with the lessons, making assessments smoother and more efficient for both trainers and learners.

Customizable Branding and Visual Design

Empower your team by tailoring the platform's appearance to reflect your company's unique brand identity.

AI Lessons

Our platform generates numerous AI-driven lessons, allowing users to delve into both theoretical and practical content.

AI Chat Tutor

Empower users with instant, AI-driven chat support that addresses questions and clarifies doubts related to their lessons in real-time.

Personalized Learning Path

This feature allows managers to structure course content, setting the duration and pacing for each lesson.

SmartPresent AI

This feature allows managers to upload key content, with the AI generating fully designed slides tailored to the material provided.

Dashboard Admin

Get summary information about your training programmes with our robust dashboard.

Real-Time Performance Metrics

Stay on top of your team’s progress with our Dashboard. KPIs, Monitor progress and more.

Live Session Evaluator

Enables the uploading of recorded face-to-face or offline interactions for in-depth analysis.

AI Content Guard

Advanced system designed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of AI-generated training materials.

SCORM Integration

Seamlessly integrate with SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) to ensure compatibility and interoperability with existing LMS.

Included Users

Allows managers to add new users or create groups for course assignment.

And more!

We revolutionize corporate training by offering personalized and measurable learning experiences tailored to the needs of each individual.

A l’acabar la pràctica interactiva amb la IA, cada persona rep el seu feedback personalitzat amb els tips que han de millorar i penso que és molt interessant, estaran molt més preparats per la situació real.

Clara E. Uribe Gil, UVIC


Después de interactuar con la IA, reciben un feedback casi instantáneo y personalizado sobre todos los elementos que yo he considerado relevantes del proyecto.

Esther Hormiga, profesora – Universitat de Barcelona


La simulació role play d’un escenari real es un gran accelerador de l’aprenentatge.

Dr. Miguel A Prats


La interacción constante y el feedback inmediato hacen que los usuarios puedan aprender y corregir sus errores mucho más rápido que en un entorno tradicional, acelerando su curva de aprendizaje.

Marc Balderrama. ESERP Bussiness School.


Vam decidir formar els nostres equips de vendes amb IA per dos motius clau: primer, la facilitat i rapidesa de la formació; segon, el control precís sobre el missatge que volem transmetre als nostres equips, juntament amb la capacitat de personalitzar els KPIs que més ens importen.

Toni Solà Perez, CEO de Protein Gastronomy


The conversation flow was so natural. I was surprisedd AI could express itself in such a coherent and structured way.

R.A. User of crisis comunication training. UVIC


AI persona was so realistic that I was immersed in understanding the specific pains and frustrations to help

L.P. User of marketing research training . ESERP. 

Bye bye to one-size-fits-all training

Your team members will receive the right training, improving their potential

Miquel Mora


Unlock new opportunities for growth and success.

We are excited to help your organization! Together, let’s shape the future of learning.

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