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Transform your agency into a

Reference for
Training innovation

Empower your services with AI and multiply the impact of your trainings

Optimize your Customers' Potential


Effective & Measurable Training with AI

Our AI platform enables the creation and delivery of personalized and measurable corporate learning experiences.

01. Design adaptive training paths.
02. Generate customized content quickly.
03. Provide advanced Roleplay simulations.
04. Show a tangible ROI to your clients.

Empower your agency with

Create personalized courses and deliver interactive experiences that boost your team’s performance. Use interactive, AI-driven training to captivate your team and enhance knowledge retention.

10x faster with AI

With TalentYou,Create high-quality training content in minutes. Our AI understands your clients' needs and creates custom content that will blow them away.

Roleplay to impact your customers

Create dynamic and complex simulations tailored to specific training goals, offering users a hands-on approach to skill development.

Real-time analysis of training impact

Real-time metrics on the impact of your trainings. Prove the value of your services with hard data and adjust your programs on the fly to maximize results.

Multiply your services without hiring more staff

Automate repetitive tasks, allowing you to manage more clients and projects with your current team. Grow your business intelligently and efficiently.
Everything starts from only

3€/user per month.

There are no compromises with
Only innovation that drives results!
Revolutionize your training services in just 



How talentyou works?

        •   Schedule a no-obligation demo.
        •   Let us show you how TalentYou can add value to your agency.
        •   We answer all your questions and explore specific use cases.

        •  In 2-3 weeks, we set up your private and confidential AI environment.
        •  We perform a fine-tuning that customizes the generative AI for your agency.
        •  We guarantee maximum security and privacy of your data.

        •  Create individual training spaces for each of your customers.
        •  Tailor content and functionality to specific needs.
        •  Offer a unique brand experience for each customer.

       •  Use Artificial Intelligence tools to quickly create personalized content.
       •  Provide advanced role-play simulations that will impress your customers.
       •  Complement your face-to-face sessions with AI-created simulations to consolidate knowledge.
       •  Offer 100% online training with AI tutor available 24/7.


TalentYou transforms your training offerings with advanced AI technology. You’ll be able to quickly create personalized content, offer unique role-play simulations, and provide real-time analytics. This allows you to deliver innovative, highly effective training services that will set you apart from the competition.

No, we have designed the implementation process to be simple and quick. In just 2-3 weeks, we set up your customized and secure AI environment. Additionally, we provide ongoing training and support to ensure you get the most out of the platform.

TalentYou is versatile. For in-person training, you can use our AI simulations to complement and reinforce learning. For online training, our platform offers a 24/7 AI tutor, automated content creation, and interactive learning experiences that keep participants engaged.

Security is our priority. TalentYou complies with GDPR and ISO standards, uses data encryption both at rest and in transit, and provides single sign-on (SSO) and SCIM provisioning options. Each client has their own secure and isolated space within the platform.

TalentYou provides advanced analytics and customizable dashboards that offer detailed metrics on learning progress, engagement, and performance. This enables you to demonstrate the tangible impact of your training programs to your clients, clearly justifying their return on investment.

Trusted by the best companies

Clara E. Uribe Gil – UVIC

“La fiabilidad del feedback en tiempo real ha sido bastante alta. Gracias a la rúbrica establecida previamente con las reglas necesarias para cada ítem de evaluación, en la mayoría de casos (al menos los que yo pude presenciar o hacer yo misma con la demo) tenía todo el sentido y cuadraba con lo indicado en las normas. Siempre hay margen de mejora, pero creo que no dista tanto de la capacidad de un profesor para ofrecer feedback; en muchos casos lo mejora ya que el límite de tiempo y la carga de trabajo en muchas ocasiones impiden dar un feedback detallado y de carácter cualitativo.”

Clara E. Uribe Gil – UVIC

Esther Hormiga  –  Universitat de Barcelona

“Como docente e investigadora, ha sido una experiencia muy enriquecedora colaborar con el equipo de TalentYou para desarrollar la experiencia con los alumnos. El trabajo conjunto nos ha permitido explorar nuevos escenarios para dar feedback a los estudiantes. Ha ampliando nuestras perspectivas hacia nuevos enfoques educativos y nos ha facilitado la integración de la IA en el nuestro entorno formativo, garantizando la privacidad y la seguridad de todos los contenidos e información generada. La colaboración en proyectos que no solo son innovadores y disruptivos, sino que también se alinean con nuestros valores de transformación en la educación, respetando profundamente el conocimiento, es crucial para una universidad como la nuestra.”

Esther Hormiga – Universitat de Barcelona

Tutor Académico

“Yo diría que el superpoder que aporta la IA en el aprendizaje serìa su capacidad de personalización y adaptabilidad. Puede entender las necesidades individuales de cada estudiante (cuando se recopilan suficiente datos) y adaptar el contenido y los ejercicios en tiempo real. Esto es algo que no se puede conseguir tan fácilmente (casi imposible según los casos) en una clase tradicional, donde un profesor tiene que atender a muchos estudiantes a la vez (y ceñirnos a unos timings concretos para llegar a toda la programación). La IA puede proporcionar una experiencia de aprendizaje personalizada para cada alumno, siendo ese, su valor diferencial.”


Tutor Académico
transform your workforce

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    Carrer de la Llacuna, 162, Sant Martí, 08018

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